Breaking Down Pay-Per-Click Costs

Breaking Down Pay-Per-Click Costs

Breaking Down Pay Per Click Costs X Factors That Impact Your PPC Budget

Breaking Down Pay-Per-Click Costs


According to sources, each day, new businesses are born. Imagine competing with lots of fresh new businesses, that would be one obstacle you want to overcome. Thus, you want to think of something that would help you gain more popularity and stay ahead of your competitors. And thanks to the digital revolution, a new marketing campaign called Pay Per Click Advertising can do the job for you.To give you a glimpse of how interesting it is, business analysts say PPC or Pay Per Click advertising gives almost a 200% ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).

What is Pay Per Click?

I know, the 200% ROAS sounds enticing but before investing in PPC, you should be familiar with how it works.PPC or Pay Per Click is a popular website advertising campaign. In PPC, the advertiser pays a certain amount for each click the ad they posted has. The concept is advertisers pay for each visit the website achieved. 


Additionally, the idea of Pay Per Click (PPC) costs is particularly relevant in the realm of digital marketing, wherein businesses are looking to attract more traffic to their websites. PPC is a form of online advertising that allows advertisers to place ads on search engine results pages, social media platforms, and other relevant online destinations. 

For example, if you are paying $1 per click but make $150 in sales, then the return is almost 150% versus the expense. If you want an idea of how much PPC can cost you, utilising cost calculators available on the internet is perfect. 

How does it work?

To give you an idea, Pay Per Click is not as simple as it suggests. There are certain things to consider, some of which are listed below:

  1. Choosing the right campaign type that suits your business website
  2. Filter your target audience, device, and/or locations.
  3. Manage your finances, and identify your budget and bidding policy. 
  4. Insert your designated landing URL.
  5. Review and launch your ads.

Some popular websites to put your ideas into reality are Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube ads, Instagram, and the rising TikTok app.

What are its Pros and Cons?

In everything you do, it’s important to take into account the pros and cons. Doing so allows you to easily roll out the possibilities, whether it is worth the shot or not. Here are some of the PPC campaign’s pros and cons to help you decide if you will implement it on your website.


  • Cost Efficient

It may sound contradicting as some say that Pay Per Click advertising is costly, but it’s actually a case-to-case basis. From the name itself “Pay Per Click ”, it’s a setup where you only pay when a potential client clicks and visits your website. If not, then you don’t have to spend a dime. 

  • Instant Result

Unlike SEOs, PPC works like magic. If you want fast and guaranteed results, you might want to put your money into PPC advertising. It is proven effective when you are just starting to launch your business and want to boost and gain more popularity so that your business website appears on top of the search result.

  • Can be customised

The style and way of implementing a Pay Per Click campaign can be tailor-fitted to your business needs. This way, you can easily navigate traffic and potential customers to your website.


  • Not all Clicks Lead to a Sale

One downside of PPC is that not all website visits lead to sales, but since they still clicked on your ads, you are obliged to pay for it. That is one count for lost. 

  • Competitive Environment

Since all business owners want to gain more popularity and get back their investment as early as possible, they would also tend to adopt PPC advertising. The more competitors the more challenges present. 

  • Smart Users

People who are avid users of the internet treat PPC advertising as some kind of spam. They are not easily swayed by this kind of marketing strategy.

How costly is Pay per Click?

PPC advertising is interesting, but how much does Pay Per Click cost? Let us identify some of the common costs of investing in Pay Per Click. This will help you balance out your finances, and adjust necessary clauses of the business so you can start your PPC journey.

For starters, these are the things you need to consider if you PPC to help grow your startup business:

  • Cost per Click

    – there is a market average of $2 to $3 costs price per click. The amount depends on your agreed terms.

  • Cost per Action

    – the amount to be paid for every action/movement your customer/visitor makes on your website after clicking the ad. The average payment ranges from $45 to $50 depending on which industry your business belongs to.

  • Overall Management Costs

    – Aside from the cost per click and actions taken, the management costs are the budget as a whole, including all the costs involved to come up with a successful PPC campaign. 

In short, this is the maintenance for your PPC. For SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise), the average monthly cost is around $1000 to $2000. About $10,000 to $50,000 for large enterprises. The larger the target audience, the larger the cost.

Remember, there will be loopholes you need to look out for. For example, the “Too good to be true” offer will give you prices below the average cost for their services, this might be something going on for them to offer you this much amount. Do your research before investing, and find a service provider that will show your money’s worth.

Pay Per Click: Is it worth it?

Taking everything into account, investing in Pay Per Click is worth the shot. Do not forget that putting up a business itself is a gamble, why be afraid of taking risks and putting some investment money into marketing your brand? But before being all out, you should first do your research, list out the good and negative things you think investing in PPC will result in, and most importantly, consult a professional team to guide you and lead you to a successful 200% ROAS in no time.

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